Tuesday, 13 April 2010

India’s Silver Treasure

“In Indian society, family ties are strong and packing off parents to old age homes is still taboo. But it’s also true that for seniors, even the bathroom isn’t theirs to use when the younger ones are getting ready for work,” says Tina Ambani.  Apart from Tina Ambani's association with Reliance Industries, the most striking fact about her to me is that she is the chairman of The Harmony for Silver’s Foundation, which is her superb initiative towards empowerment of aged.  http://lifestyle.indiainfo.com/article/0810010604_tina/215368.html. There are other organisations too like HELP AGE INDIA who work in this regard but with the growing population there is a lot more needed.

When we talk about work experience being the most important, who can beat our grandparents on that! Unfortunately, even in modern India, these valuable assets are just dependent on their children and sometimes knowingly or unknowingly they are offended too.  

India’s total population is 1,140 million in 2008. (Source:http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/0,,contentMDK:20535285~menuPK:1390200~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html)

Out of which the aged population shot up from 12 million in 1901, to 19 million in 1951 and 77 million in 2001. It is anticipated that by 2021 it will reach 137 million. India now has the second largest aged population in the world. 


As the statistics reveal, India’s current life expectancy is 65 years.So where do all these numbers lead to? These illustrations are made to emphasize on the fact that this country with the second largest aged population in the world has a treasure house of people who even after retirement are capable enough to add a lot by their experience.

It is about the elderly who are still active, they want in fact need some engagement filling their leisure hours and getting effective communications. In the pesent time, with nuclear families and rising expenses, it gradually becomes difficult for the youth to take care of the older generation even if they are willing to do so.  As people are shifting from villages to town, from less developed to more developed states and from one country to another, this ever migrating generation looks ahead for a small family. Thou not always but many a times all this leads to clashes and the elder people who are 
considered weaker are finally left alone, either offended in a corner of house or the able ones in an old age home, in not good cases they can also be abandoned.

From another perspective, this elder generation can actually be one immense contributor to the country while gaining economical independence for them. This way they can secure a far better life and get some useful engagement.

Why are they so worth?

  • The two generations before us have seen immense development and have really been very adaptable. They have witnessed wars, independence of countries, development of superpower countries, technological shift viz. computers and communications -most significantly mobiles and internet, world-wide businesses and the worse- seeing the drastic climatic changes. Who can  be better in quick-changing scenario than them.
  •  After working all their life, they have that practical work-experience which is extremely valuable these days (ask a job-hunter!). 
  • Our elders are free of their family responsibilities and personal engagement, they can take up any responsibility with added enthusiasm and concentration 
They are worth because they give us our heredity, something we associate ourselves with and hence now it is our responsibility to make sure they are happy and secured

What are the options for them?

  • Flexible work options, contracts or self owned businesses form one part of a immense opportunities.  
  •  Consultations, Education, social work, Childcare/Nursing especially for ladies, cottage industries again particularly for ladies ad a lot more depending on experience, likeness, capability and availability in the place they are based 
What  can we do to help?
  • Problem of technology: They need training and up gradation to learn latest technology whether to work or even to get in touch with family. There are many initiatives in foreign countries   http://ageconcern.org.uk/AgeConcern/it.asp. But in India there is a lot more needed. Training programmes, seminars, voluntary services by youths, government/NGO run activities etc.  
  • Licensing/Certification: The training and education can be evidenced by providing licenses and certificates  
  • Ageing Health Concerns:getting the aged involved and engaged doesn’t mean their health is to be ignored. In fact it will be better to make them aware of their health concerns and maintain check up and awareness programmes through the organisation providing training and work to them  
  • Residence:  There is a significant group of people who need help in residences. There can be more old age homes at cheaper prices. It will be more affordable to them when they are working. Also, there should initiatives to provide them shelter if abandoned by family.  
  • Promoting Voluntary works: 41% of total population was made up by youth in India in 2001 http://youthportal.gov.in/#. There are thousands of people including youths, housewives and many others who can lend hand by voluntary services in running old age homes, fund raising for aged and other help. Voluntary work is still to be developed in India, thou there is a lot going on but with the huge population there is still scope for a lot more. 

They are our elders, they need a lot of love care and what they need most is a dignified life. It is not only about getting them on work, well for the fortunate ones there can be special aged classes for education, health and even recreation. The good part is Indians are still so bonded with families and are willing to stay with elders and take up responsibilities. It is just that sometimes, they cannot take up the load of more people which influences their behaviour, and if that burden is shared it will relieve them and will help them live naturally with love and affection.

Our elders deserve so much more from which most of them are deprived. So it is now time we extend our hands to those who once helped us learn to walk...to speak and to be what we are today


  1. Great work. I really appreciate your suggestion of voluntary works for elders.
    I personally believe that the seniors are a great pool of inspiration and support for any country to progress further.In India youth development is in the limelight since last few years and people are doing very good in this field but the progress can be accelerated by thousand folds if the rich and solid experience of our senior citizens can be exploited for the purpose.
    This article has really expressed that youths are thinking or better to say have started to think in the right direction.
    Lets keep thinking, planning and executing so that one day we can have option between good and better

  2. good and better!! indeed they would be great options.

    its great to have support on my ideas :) thank you. I am sure we can all make a lot of difference on coming together.
